School and Community Involvement

The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support students’ learning and well-being.

I know that I want to use a combination of colleagues, parents, agencies and the community to get my students excited about learning. I want to have a good relationship with colleagues and use community resources to educate my students and improve their learning. I also know that I want to utilize parents and various agencies as resources for my classroom.

This artifact is an action plan for involving parents I created for my Methods of Teaching class in the fall of 2010. It is a plan for how I’m going to involve parents in my classroom and how to involve parents who may have barriers preventing them from doing so. This artifact shows the types of communication and participation I want from the parents of my students. It also shows how I’m going to communicate with the parents of my students and what I would like them to help with in the class. The main reason I want parents involved in the classroom is that it helps students find a connection easier in class and that the parents and community support their education. If I am having problems with parents, I will access colleagues and community resources to better educate my students and improve their learning. I hope to use parents as resources in my classroom.